For the last few weeks, have really been called to more prayer and fasting. Find it is a vital necessity as preparation for the upcoming future.
While recently dealing with two weeks of 12-hour shifts, had focused on having one main meal a day. This was also a time to test the body in consistent levels of stress. Although there have been short times of weakness (while difficult although good to experience), honestly sense the body being more attuned as it learns to handle difficult situations with a better form of calmness. The denial of certain ingredients, which ironically appear as primal staples to most people, have heightened awareness during particular times of hardship.
This is not to say this person should consistently live within such stresses—yet should learn how to handle them with better soundness. Most think, for instance, that we know ourselves very well. The truth, though, is that we do not know until brought to certain confrontations. When finding myself in desperate need, will this person turn to a brother for blame? Will a wicked thing slip out instead of an unwavering righteousness?
As a building, we won’t know until we commit to the testing of our stress points. With that said, we must learn what points should be tested at this particular moment in time.
My friend Aharon spoke of a particular person who really focused on getting in physical shape while harnessing his combative skill. The focus today, though, ought to be spiritual. Some may play around with Martial Arts, for example, yet aren’t prepared for situations such as Martial Law. In fact, you could have a thousand warriors of able fighting skill—yet as they deal with certain stresses (such as the lack of food and water or argumentation within the camp), will they hold before the battle is actually fought?
With that said, a war can go much further than a battle.
While greater successions of challenging survival come upon us, the wait to perform can be months and even years. Prepare yourself now for practical stresses—pressures which need a sound, spiritual mind and not just a consistent, unfaltering hand. Such things will grow as the next years come along. As with David who was able to cut off the head of the unconscious Goliath, it doesn’t take much for the haughty body to stumble—yet the faithful, meekful spirit endures.
As have stated with the Jedihood message, we are passing a threshold that has been warned years in advance (instead of critics, we now hear crickets). Given this, let us keep focused on words such as the 91st Psalm:
“You will not fear the terrors of night
or the arrow that flies by day,
or the plague that roams in the dark,
or the scourge that wreaks havoc at noon.
A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand;
but it won’t come near you.
Only keep your eyes open,
and you will see how the wicked are punished.”