Jedihood Transparent

Jedihood is a message which came from the scriptures. It is a message of redemption, yet also acts a stern awakening to those falling away from the Father’s path.

This message, although first presented to the religious and philosophical Jedi groups, has matured its attention on those heavily involved with the fictional Jedi as entertainment.

Why is this message so important? Certain people have an innate calling to be guardians of the faith, yet have been so wrapped up in fantasy to realize their true calling. The fascination with The Force has also opened doorways to strange gods, leading many to defile themselves with perversions.

Jedihood could be noted as a type of ministry, although is better understood as a directive from the Father to help gather the lost sheep to his fold. Followers of The Way (Torah, Yeshua) simply do not grasp how many former believers have strayed due to current fictional beliefs as found in Star Wars. Jedihood exists to point back to the original roots of the faith as found in the Father’s scriptures (Bible).

​It is time to grow up from the milk and start eating the bread of adulthood.